Many NGOs and environmental groups alike has attempted to raise awareness about how important it is to find and use technologies that will help save energy, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and start to reverse climate change.
One of the most promising and affordable technologies which they continually, advocate making the switch from traditional lighting to LED lighting.

How can Switching to LEDs help?
LED bulbs help reduce air pollution, making the air healthier to breathe for kids and others who suffer from asthma, heart disease and many respiratory ailments.
About 12 percent of the energy we use at home powers our lighting , from ceiling fixtures and under-counter lights to table and bedside lamps. An LED bulb uses 70-90 percent less energy than a standard bulb, limiting the need to burn that much more coal, this not only reduces carbon emissions , but in turn minimize global warming effects.
Speaking of energy, if every household replaced just one light bulb with a LED Light fixture, we would save enough energy to light two million homes for a whole year.
We would also prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to that of 550,000 vehicles.